Post-Socialist Nostalgia in Vietnam
In this conference presentation, Quang Mai explores the persistence of socialist-era aesthetics and values in a politically transformed modern Vietnam.
Media Objectivity in Coverage of China
In this conference presentation, Emma Martin-Rousselle discusses how geopolitical goals and media policy influence various countries’ news coverage of China’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Outcasts of Capitalism
In this conference presentation, Mariam explores similarities in the treatment of poor “surplus populations” in two different contexts: Cairo, Egypt and Vancouver, Canada.
Comparing Healthcare in Canada and the U.S.
In this conference presentation, Ava Tabatabaei compares the healthcare systems in Canada and the U.S. in relation to the countries’ differing political ideologies.
Psychopathy and Politics
This conference paper explores how the competitive personality traits of psychopaths at first help but ultimately hinder a career in politics.